This program works in spherical and Mercator. The file format is called ‘.osmtile.pbf’
I built reduced vector databases for the Zoom 5, 7, 9, 11, 14 and then from the zoom 15 this is the original OSM database.
You can modify everything on the graphics:
Button with
and Double Click on an element including changing icons from SVG.
The fonts are independent of Windows and can be modified
I remade the fonts mostly from "Google Noto Fonts" to handle all languages and ICU.
You can extract
in the original pbf format (.osm.pbf) with selections of boundaries or rectangle or poly.
Then we can
import the standard pbf back into the atlas in ‘.osmtile.pbf’ format.
And lots of other things …
Warning: Start the extractions with areas that are not too large (admin 8 or Admin 6) to test :
For example Bouches du Rhone (FR) ID 7393 if the tiles are already loaded:
Zoom 20: 35s to extract to osm.pbf and 68s to convert to osmtile.pbf with CoreI7+SSD
Zoom 14: 7s to extract to osm.pbf and 11s pour convert to osmtile.pbf with CoreI7+SSD
Examples :
Extraction of France in zoom 7 :
Extraction of Briancon in zoom14 :
An example of level lines with AW3D30 :
Windows 64-bit (installer setup.exe)
Choice of disk: allow some space for the caches
Run program Atlas_OSM : (\PRG\Atlas_OSM.exe)
No doubt a few more bugs, .. the current OSM version is that of 2024/08/05.
The program is 32 bits, the extraction programs are 64 bits. At least 4 GB of memory is required.
It takes about 4 days of calculations to process a new base (the reductions are the longest).
There will likely be an update about once a month or every two months.